Possessed For Love Walkthrough


I hope this walkthrough is helpful and makes the game more enjoyable! If there are any confusions / problems, please let me know in the comments!
May contain spoilers.


  • Use Ctrl+F to find preferred routes/scenes e.g.: [Glen][Penelope], [Alone], [Erotic]
  • [Penelope] points and [Glen] points are used to unlock endings
  • [Alone] points are used for game overs
  • [Smut = True] is used to show erotic dialogue and unlock extra dialogue
  • [Smut = False] is used to hide erotic dialogue and unlock extra dialogue
  • [Crush], [Notes], [Book], [Notice], [Confess] are used to unlock extra dialogue
  • [CG possess][CG stalk], [CG shy], [CG al'iasom], [CG glen][CG penelope] are used to unlock special images


  1. "Admiration" (Penelope ending) All [Penelope] points: 4
  2. "Confession" (Glen ending) All [Glen] points: 4
  3. "Tragedy" (Death ending) More/less [Glen] and/or [Penelope] points
  4. "Wrath" (Al'iasom ending) Equal [Glen] and [Penelope]  points: 2 + 2
  5. "Possession" (Secret/Zerpinx ending) Get all 4 endings


  1. "Pent up feelings" [Alone] points: 3
  2. "Cheat by the book" [Book], [Alone] points: 1/2/3
  3. "Cheat by the notes" [Notes], [Alone] points: 1/2/3
  4. "Forever alone"


  1. Before continuing, how would you like to play the game?
    1. Play with erotic scenes [Smut = True]
    2. Play without erotic scenes [Smut = False]
  2. Type your name or press "enter" to continue
    1. [Press enter without typing name to use default "Emily"]
    2. [Type custom name and press enter]
  3. While I stand alone, on the stairs, I decide what I should do.
    1. Go to class [Glen] = 1
    2. Go to sleep [Alone] = 1
  4. "I can show you my notes for a bit! I think that would help a lot even though it's for a short time."
    1. Take notes [Notes][Penelope] = 1
    2. Refuse it [Book][Alone] = 2
  5. I got through all the classes, and now, it's time to go to my clubroom.
    1. Go to club [Penelope] = 2
    2. Skip club [Alone] = 3
      1. TIP 1: "Skip club" automatically leads to game overs using [Notes][Book], [Alone]
      2. TIP 2: "Go to club" skips 3 game overs: "Pent up feelings", "Cheat by the book", "Cheat by the notes"
      3. TIP 3: "Go to club" [Alone] is not used anymore
  6. (But will this be the right choice?)
    1. Go to class
    2. Confess to Glen
      1. TIP 1: choice will only appear if [Alone] = 3 and chose "Skip club"
      2. TIP 2: choice will be skipped if [Alone] = 1 or 2 and chose "Skip club" for GAME OVER 1 and 2
      3. TIP 3: "Go to class" leads to GAME OVER 1 [Notes]: "Cheat by the notes"
      4. TIP 4: "Go to class" leads to GAME OVER 2 [Book]: "Cheat by the book"
      5. TIP 5: "Confess to Glen" leads to GAME OVER 3: "Pent up feelings"
  7. [CG possess] after choice "Go to club" 
  8. I should decide before the exams get handed out.
    1. Leave it be [Penelope] = 3
    2. Change the results [Glen] = 2
  9. [Notes] and/or [Book] used for extra dialogue during exam results "Strange happenings" scene
  10. [Smut = True] extra [Erotic] (Lisa) dialogue in the locker room "Changing" scene
  11. "Will you be my partner?"
    1. Yes [Confess][Penelope] = 4
    2. No [Crush], [Notice][Glen] = 3
      1. TIP 1: "Yes" [Confess] unlocks extra dialogue (Penelope) after infirmary "Alone with Glen" scene regarding confession
      2. TIP 2: "No" [Notice] unlocks extra dialogue (Penelope) after infirmary "Alone with Glen" scene regarding confession
      3. TIP 3: "No" [Crush] unlocks extra  dialogue (Lisa's feelings) during gym "Show off" scene if [Smut = True]
  12. [CG shy] if all/more [Glen] points
    1. TIP: extra [Erotic] (Glen) dialogue if [Smut = True] in the infirmary "Alone with Glen" scene
  13. [Crush] is used for extra (Lisa) dialogue during the infirmary "Alone with Glen" scene soon after [Erotic] (Glen) 
    1. TIP 1: [Smut = True] and [Crush] is used for extra dialogue (Lisa's feelings) if chose "No"
    2. TIP 2: [Smut = True] without [Crush] is used for extra dialogue (Lisa) if chose "Yes"
    3. TIP 3: [Smut = False] skips dialogue regarding [Crush] and [Erotic] 
  14. "I think I'll..."
    1. Confess soon [Glen] = 4
    2. Never confess
      1. TIP 1: "Never confess" automatically leads you to GAME OVER 4: "Forever Alone"
      2. TIP 2: [Confess] and/or [Notice] is used for extra (Penelope) dialogue during this scene regarding confession
  15. [CG stalk] after choice "Confess soon"
    1. TIP: extra [Erotic] dialogue if [Smut = True] in dark room "Petty scheme" scene
  16. (I'm super nervous now...!!) ..........
    1. I like you!
    2. I forgot...
      1. TIP: "I like you!" gets a different response if [Smut = True] or [Smut = False]
  17. "SO? What are you gonna do about those two?" "..........."
    1. Follow
    2. Walk away
      1. TIP 1: "Follow" if points ARE equal [Glen] = 2, [Penelope] = 2, ENDING 1: "Wrath" (Al'iasom ending)
      2. TIP 2: if [Glen] and [Penelope] points are NOT equal, "Follow" and "Walk away" lead to the same next choice
  18. [CG al'iasom] if points ARE equal [Glen] = 2[Penelope] = 2, ENDING 1: "Wrath" (Al'iasom ending)
    1. TIP: extra [Erotic] (Al'iasom) dialogue if [Smut = True] ENDING 1: "Wrath" (Al'iasom ending)
  19. "Please... please say something!!"
    1. Say something
    2. Give up
      1. TIP 1: "Give up" automatically leads to ENDING 2: "Tragedy" (Death ending)
      2. TIP 2: "Say something" more/less [Glen] and/or [Penelope] points lead to ENDING 2: "Tragedy" (Death ending)
      3. TIP 3: "Say something" all 4 [Glen] points lead to ENDING 3: "Confession" (Glen ending) 
      4. TIP 4: "Say something" all 4 [Penelope] points lead to ENDING 4: "Admiration" (Penelope ending)
  20. [CG glen] if all 4 [Glen] points, leads to ENDING 3: "Confession" (Glen ending) 
  21. [CG penelope] if all 4 [Penelope] points, leads to ENDING 4: "Admiration" (Penelope ending)
    1. TIP: extra [Erotic] (Penelope and Al'iasom) dialogue if [Smut = True] ENDING 4: "Admiration" (Penelope ending)
  22. "I finally have my life back..." "...right?"
    1. Yes
    2. No
      1. TIP 1: choice only appears if ENDING 3: "Confession" (Glen ending)
      2. TIP 2: if chose "Yes", completed ENDING 3: "Confession" (Glen ending)
      3. TIP 3: if all 4 endings are NOT achieved, choosing "No" will repeat the choice
      4. TIP 4: if all 4 endings ARE achieved, choosing "No" leads to ENDING 5: "Possession" (Secret/Zerpinx ending)
  23. During ENDING 5: "Possession" (Secret/Zerpinx ending), extra [Erotic] (Zerpinx) dialogue if [Smut = True]
  24. When all 4 main endings are not achieved, this choice is unlocked to replay or return to main menu
    1. Play again 
    2. Main menu
  25. When all 5 endings are achieved, unlocks credits
    1. TIP: if credits unlocked, game is completed whether it be [Smut = True] [Smut = False] / no game over


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© 2019 eeveetron

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